Whining and wine-ing are coping techniques now and then. But most of us need a serious plan to live life out loud in a grounded way. Here are three reasons I turn to Pilates over fermented grapes, sugar, carbs and punching my pillow.
1. You Stand in Your Full Power. Pilates makes you feel confident. When you stand tall, long, strong and centered, people see it and feel it coming off you in waves. This “I got this” physical posture happens when you get your body mechanics in shape. This boosts your mental attitude, changing your day for the better.
2. It’s Better Than a Red Bull. Your energy gets enhanced naturally. As you breathe properly in Pilates, the oxygen nourishes you. This increases blood flow to the brain, which improves attention and concentration. Better motivation and achievement soon follow. You’ll sleep better and recharge properly at night too. All this happens without the ups and downs of caffeine. Think of it as the original oxygen bar.
3. Pilates Chases Away Pain. A lot of the aches and pains we feel are tied to the compression our spine experiences during the day. Sitting. Even worse, sitting cross-legged or twisted over a computer, or phone, crunch those vertebrae. Standing for long periods without moving gets us too. Gravity is a law no one escapes. Pilates counteracts all this by stretching and strengthening our spines at the same time. We need both.
That, in a nutshell, is the triple goodness that keeps me practicing what I teach. Pilates is my favorite life hack.