I’ve learned that the snooze button is not my friend. It hijacks the hour I need to set myself up for a fantastic day. Writing this for you reminds me once again how to best stay on top of my morning game.
The Worst of Mornings
On these “off” days, I hit the snooze button and lose the hour I need to gently move into my day. It tends to go like this:
- Hit the snooze button repeatedly
- Check my phone
- Rush my shower
- Rush my breakfast
- Rush into my day feeling a little off and wanting a do-over
The Best of Mornings
I have more and more of these. I’d like to think it’s because I’ve become wiser, and gone to bed the night before at the right time. These mornings always lead to happier, more productive days. Here’s how they go:
- Wake up when the first alarm sounds or even better, before
- Get in a Pilates workout
- Meditate and write in my gratitude journal
- Drink a glass of hot water
- Eat a nourishing breakfast, mindfully
- Stay away from all electronic devices for a full hour after waking
Are you ready to start your mornings off better?
Take that extra time and feel your way into it. You don’t have to change everything at once. Start with one tip. Then add in a few things you know have worked for you in the past. Rushing never feels good. Be still. Breathe. Move gently. Take your time. You will feel so much better and it helps you be able to offer up the best version of yourself to everyone in your life.
What are some of your favorite morning habits? I’d love to hear them.
And if you want to start your day with Pilates – my favorite way to feel energized, strong and focused to take on the day, I’m here to help you.
You can find out more with a fifteen minute free consultation. I’ll ask you questions about your fitness goals and history and give you the details on how Pilates can help you succeed. Click here and schedule your Pilates consultation now!