We’re a lot more alike than you may think. Years ago I worked in the corporate world. I spent my 9 to 5 sitting at a desk for most of the day. A lot of times, my workdays went long past 5pm so I felt like I didn’t have much time for self-care. I really do understand when clients come to me feeling like they don’t have five minutes to get up from their desk, but I promise you—with these three tips, you will feel better and be more focused, productive and balanced at work. You just have to be consistent and stick with it.
Reset and rejuvenate yourself with this simple breathing exercise that only takes three minutes. Close your office door or go to a more private, quiet area. Sit up tall with your shoulders right over your hips, feet firm on the ground. Relax your shoulders. Close your eyes, or if it feels uncomfortable with your eyes closed, keep a low soft gaze. Set a timer for three minutes. Gently inhale and exhale through your nose. As you inhale say to yourself “Inhale One” as you exhale say “Exhale Two” continue on “Inhale Three,” “Exhale Four” until you get to ten and then start again at one until your timer goes off. Thoughts will come and go, let them pass through. Don’t get attached to them and just continue breathing and counting.
It can be tiring to sit in meetings, so why not do something good for your posture and abdominals at the same time? While you are sitting in your next meeting being focused on the discussion, plant your feet firmly onto the floor. Lift up tall like you are trying to touch the top of your head to the ceiling. Staying in that good posture, pull your stomach in and up. As you keep your stomach engaged lift your right foot off the floor without compromising your posture. Place that foot down on the floor and then lift the left foot. Do ten repetitions.
Did you know that studies are saying that “sitting is the new smoking”? Besides being unhealthy to sit for long periods of time, it diminishes focus and productivity to work all day without breaks. You need to step away to recharge yourself mentally and physically. You will come back feeling better, with a fresh perspective and new ideas. I still work at a desk and when I have a big project, I set a timer for 50 minutes and only focus on that task until my timer goes off. Then I step away and do some kind of movement, walk around the block or do a 10 minutes of Pilates or a yoga sequence. Find something you can do at work to get some movement in. How about delivering something in person to a coworker? Walking the stairs? Taking the long way around the office? Get a friend to walk during lunch with you?
I hope these tips are helpful and that you can find a way to incorporate them into your work day.
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